
  • Do you need help talking with us or reading what we send you?
  • Do you have a disability and need help getting care or taking part in one of our programs or services?
  • Or do you have more questions about your health care?

Call us for free. We can connect you with the free help or service you need.

Consumer Direct Care Network Colorado

  • Phone: 844-381-4433

For accessibility options, visit the accessibility page on the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing website.

We obey federal and state civil rights laws.  We do not treat people in a different way because of their race, color, birth place, language, age, disability, religion, or sex.  If you believe we did not help you or you were treated differently because of your race, color, birth place, language, age, disability, religion, or sex?  You can file a complaint by mail, by email, or by phone.  You can file a complaint with Consumer Direct Care Network or with the Office for Civil Rights.

Consumer Direct Care Network
Attn: Human Resources Director
100 Consumer Direct Way
Missoula, MT 59808
Phone:  844-360-4747
Fax:  866-837-1983


Attn: Compliance Director
100 Consumer Direct Way
Missoula, MT 59808
Phone:  855-450-2708

Office for Civil Rights
Visit the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal.


Fill out a complaint for or send a letter to:
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Office for Civil Rights
200 Independence Ave SW
Rm 509F, HHH Bldg
Washington, DC 20201

You can get a complaint form on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website.


Call 800-368-1019. If you cannot speak or hear well, please call TTY/TDD 800-537-7697.