Consumer Direct Care Network Colorado has been contracted by the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing to provide In-Home Support Services (IHSS) Provider Training for current and prospective agencies. Trainings are offered via webinar format and occur on the first Monday of each month (Full IHSS Provider Training) and the third Monday of each month (Refresher IHSS Provider Training). The Refresher IHSS Provider Training is geared toward individuals who have already attended the full training. If the training falls on a holiday Monday, the training will occur on the following Tuesday. Training will cover an overview of IHSS, roles and responsibilities, enrollment process and frequently asked questions. Certificates will be distributed within seven days following the passing of the Post Training Assessment as proof of completion of the mandatory IHSS Provider Training. If you have questions, please email
Department Memo: Click Here
Cost and Continuing Education Units (CEU’s):
There is no cost to attend IHSS Provider Training. There are no CEU’s associated with this course.
Recommended Attendees:
Training is recommended for all IHSS agency administrators, back-up administrators, registered nurses, and key staff.
Email with you name, title/role, agency name, email address, and which training date/time you would like to register for. Webinar access details will be emailed out three business days prior to the training to those who have registered. Everyone who plans on attending and would like a certificate of completion must register individually, in advance.